- Vi ste ovde:
- Podrške stranaca regionalnom centru za promociju zdravlja na radnom mestu ZZZZR u Nišu - pozivi za međunarodnu saradnju
Ambicije i težnje da aktivnosti Centra pri njegovom otvaranju pre dve godine, između ostalog, budu usmerene ka holističkom sagledavanju zdravlja njegovih krajnih korisnika – radnika - primenom salutogenog koncepta rada, izgledale su teško ostvarljive i gotovo nemoguće.
Međutim, u leto prošle godine Svetska Zdravstvena Organizacija je, zbog alarmatno lošeg zdravstvenog stanja radno aktivnog stanovništva na našim prostorima, pozvala stručnjake medicine rada na akciju sa preporukama za aktivnosti koje su identične onim koje pominjemo. O našim aktivnostima i rezultatima rada od konstituisanja Centra do danas, obaveštavali smo nadležna ministarstva, stručnu i širu javnost . U domaćim naučnim časopisima na tu temu objavili smo dosta stručnih radova. Ohrabreni takvim dešavanjima, u želji da stanemo u red već priznatih na takvom putu, predstavili smo se i svetskoj naučnoj javnosti objavljivanjem radova u vrhunskim naučnim časopisima. Ovakvo postupanje se pokazalo ispravnim jer su se tako stvorile prilike za sticanje novih znanja koja su nam svakako najpre potrebna ali i za razmenu iskustava kroz međunarodne projektne aktivnosti ukoliko smo kadri da se u njih uključimo.
Put od ovakve ideje do realizacije, u vremenu i na prostoru u kome živimo je naporan, dugotrajan i zahteva posvećenost, svestranost, istrajnost ali i timski rad stručnjaka iz oblasti medicine rada koji veruju u mogućnost sopstvenog pomeranja ka ostvarivanju već usvojene vizije struke: " Zdrav radnik na zdravom radnom mestu".
Ono što nedostaje, a na šta ovom prilikom apelujemo, je angažovanje mladih ljudi koje treba edukovati i osposobiti da nastave započet put vođeni vizijom struke kojom bi se bavili. To je ustvari i suštinski razlog objavljivanja ovog teksta.
Pogledaj nedavno objavljen rad na adresu: 'Online First' on SpringerLink
I poziv na saradnju (e-mail) koji je usledio po objavljivanju rada:
Dear Dr. Mirijana,
Greetings and best wishes from the Institute for Holistic Medical Sciences (IHMS), Kottayam, Kerala, India and the Ayurveda-und Venen-Klinik Dr. Mathew, Klagenfurt, Austria
We are extremely happy to inform you that we are organising the Second International Conference on Holistic Medicine (ICHM-2011) from 11, 12 and 13 September 2011 in Kottayam, Kerala, India. This is the second time a joined conference is planned between Europe and India on holistic medicine. The first conference that we organized in 2008 was a great success. The main aim of the conference is to develop a holistic approach to the treatment of various diseases.
Various sessions of the conference will have brainstorming discussion meetings from a holistic view point on the following: Arthritis, Gynaecological Diseases, Skin Diseases, Heart Diseases, Cancer, Allergy, Chronic Diseases, Asthma, High Pressure, Diabetics, Tuberculosis, Diseases of the Bone and Fractures, Children's Diseases, Rheumatic Disorders, Diseases of the Eye, Ear, Nose and Throat, HIV, Geriatric Health etc. Doctors and traditional practitioners from different fields will present their recent findings on each theme. There will be a special session on the use of Holistic Approach for the treatment of Cancer.
In view of your excellent contributions to the field of Medical Sciences, we would like to welcome you to give an invited talk at the conference. The scientific committee of the conference is aware of your published works in this field. An appropriate title could be decided by you. We would appreciate if you could e-mail us a one-page abstract of the paper (in the MS Word format) at the earliest to the conference E mail ID: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.. The abstract in PDF or other format should not be sent.
During the conference there will be a brain storming discussion meeting in order to submit a joint project to European Union under the Seventh Frame Work of EU-India-China programme (Fp7) for funding between your country, India and Europe. We will also discuss other projects between India and rest of the world such as DST-NSF, DST-DAAD, Indo-French, DST-JSPS, etc etc. DST-India has agreement with most of the countries for joint collaboration.
We are looking forward to hearing from you soon.
With our best regards,
Thanking you,
Dr.Sebastian Mathew (Austria) and Dr. Anne George(India)
Dr.Anne George, MBBS, DGO, MD, MAMS.Dip Acupuncture
Institute of Holistic Medical Sciences
Chathukulam Buildings
Parumbaikadu P.O
Kerala ,India 686028
Conference E-mail: Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
Phone} Per: 91-481- 2730003
Res: 91-481- 2597914, 2590357
Mobile: 00-91-9447223452 and 00-91-9847460331
Dr.Mathew Sebastian MBBS, MD
Ayurveda-und Venen-Klinik Dr. Mathew
St. Primus Weg 68,
A-9020 Klagenfurt,
Telefon : + 43 463 46912
FAX : + 43 463 469124
e-mail : < Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.>, Ova adresa el. pošte je zaštićena od spambotova. Omogućite JavaScript da biste je videli.
Kordinator Centra za promociju zdravlja na random mestu
ZZZZR u Nišu
Prof. Dr Mirjana Aranđelović